During the Coronavirus restrictions and for the foreseeable future, we will ensure a 48 hour gap between the arrival and departure of our guests.
Prices from £150 per night - please call for more information
Guests may stay for 3,4 or 5 nights or 7 nights
Minimum stays: 4 nights July, August and through bank holidays
Check-in days are Thursday, Friday or Saturday. We always keep mid-week free.
There is room for an extra guest in the mezzanine bedroom at £25 per night.
We require a holding deposit of £50 at the time of booking with the balance due much nearer your stay when you are sure you can come
Self check-in time is from 3 pm; check-out by 11am.
To check availability, look up the calendar on our letting agent's website:
and see what dates are free.
Give us a call on 07850545028 07850545028 or email Jane at jjmwhittle@gmail.com to book your holiday. We will hold the date for 48 hours to allow you to confirm with payment.